Coping With Financial Loss After a Slip and Fall Accident

Minor accidents may have a short-term impact on your activities. For example, if you slice your thumb with a butcher knife, it might be tricky to wash dishes and keep your wound dry. Fortunately, you can recover from minor accidents within a day or two and resume normal activities.

Major accidents result in serious injuries that can affect you for months, years, or the rest of your life. You may not be able to work after a slip-and-fall accident. Consequently, you might struggle financially after your slip-and-fall injury. Let’s examine what a slip-and-fall accident is, how these accidents create financial challenges, and how you can cope with financial challenges after your slip-and-fall accident.

What’s a slip-and-fall accident?


Slip-and-fall accidents are sometimes referred to as trip-and-fall accidents. These terms refer to incidents occurring on another person’s property. The accident could occur on a business property or privately owned property, and victims can include employees. The accident victim sustains injuries stemming from slipping or tripping on a surface on the property. Broken bones and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are common slip-and-fall injuries, and fall victims can die from their injuries.

How do accidents create financial issues?


Slip-and-fall victims may sustain severe injuries impairing their ability to work, creating financial challenges. You may also need assistance from home health or personal care aides if you cannot perform routine tasks during your recovery, adding to your post-injury expenses.

You may need medical tests and treatment from medical experts, such as physical therapists, speech pathologists, and occupational therapists. You could incur thousands in out-of-pocket medical expenses. Many slip-and-fall accident victims also suffer trauma after their accident and may need counseling for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How can a personal injury lawyer help?


Personal injury attorneys are lawyers who represent people affected by injuries stemming from accidents and medical malpractice. When you consult a slip and fall lawyer, you’ll receive a free consultation from a legal expert with years of experience preparing personal injury cases. Slip-and-fall lawyers handle premise liability cases, which can include slip-and-fall accidents. Whether you trip on an unsecured rug or slip on a wet floor, your slip-and-fall attorney will prepare your legal case and fight for you to receive fair compensation for costs stemming from your injuries, including medical bills and lost income.

Many slip-and-fall attorneys work for a personal injury law firm specializing in injury cases. Your legal team will research your accident, interview witnesses, and collect evidence to build your case. Your attorney can reference case law and legal precedents from other trials to support your lawsuit. Your legal team will file your lawsuit before the statute of limitations expires and handle negotiations with the defendants and insurance companies. If necessary, they’ll present evidence at trial to secure a verdict.

What other resources can you use to address your financial needs?


Your attorney will fight for fair compensation after your accident, but you may need financial resources before you receive a settlement. Your attorney can also help you file for short-term or long-term disability benefits to help cover your expenses.

You may need to return to school and train for a new profession if you cannot return to your career. Postsecondary institutions have financial advisors who can explain the financial aid options available. You may qualify for scholarships, grants, or loans to cover your educational expenses, enabling you to acquire the credentials needed to change careers after your accident.

Slip-and-fall accidents can impair your ability to work and create financial challenges stemming from medical bills and treatment after your accident. A slip-and-fall attorney will fight for financial compensation. You can also pursue benefits and financial aid options to cover your expenses after your accident.

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